Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Day!!!

Today was the last official day of classes!! Now I just have 3 exams, and then I am officially..... GRADE 12!!! Oh man, I'm so happy, and so excited for the summer!

I don't really have anything else to post about, but here's a picture of my friend and I (friends for 14 years this summer! :D) about 2 hours before school ended :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Beautiful Babies!!

Steven (my friend who went to Kibaale, Uganda) just gave me the video of my two GORGEOUS sponsor kids!!!!!

It is the cutest thing I've ever seen!! I just had to share... The translator is a little hard to hear, but basically the "message" is that the goat I sent to Jackie's family has had two babies (which you can see in the picture from the previous post). =)

I just took in the money for Reagan's house today, so that should be getting started soon!! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I deserve a slap or something for neglecting my blogs so badly!

Anyway, today I recieved some AWESOME pictures of my darling sponsor girl in Uganda. I had raised money a few months ago to buy her new land, and build a house, kitchen, and latrine, and today I got pictures of them!!

I love them soo much!!

Jackie and her mom with the goat that I sent them and its 2 babies

Jackie by the new house I had built for them!!

The inside of their house (the main room).. the two little girls on the left are 2 of her sisters, Jesca (closest to the edge of the picture- we met her when we were in Kibaale, and she's SUCH a sweetheart!) and Justine (closest to Jackie). The man is her father.

Jackie in front of their new kitchen!

Jackie in front of their new latrine.

One of my friends also just got back from Kibaale about a month ago (SOO JEALOUS!!) and he soooo kindly took presents along for me, and brought a couple pictures and an ADORABLE video back of both Jackie and Reagan. I'm getting the video tomorrow, so I'll try to put that on, but I have the pictures now.. so cute!! THANKS STEVEN!!! =) =)

Jackie and her class.. can you spot which one is Jackie?? :P

Jackie and Reagan.. Aren't they absolutely adorable??? I love how tiny Reagan is next to her :)

Another shot of them together (I think he said he had more, but the email didn't work.. they maybe coming soon)

On another note, I just got an email saying that Reagan's house is in a very bad state. It is only half completed, and they only have 3 walls, and no doors or windows, so the bug/rodent situation is terrible. Its so bad that they can't even live in it anymore.. I'm not quite sure where they're living at the moment, but they went to the Kibaale Centre, and requested money for the repair of their house. Unfortunately, Kibaale doesn't have the funds to do that right away, and even if they did, their first priority would have to be a child who doesnt' have any type of shelter at all, so they only way they would be able to get a new house is if I, as their son's sponsor, sent the money.

I talked to my AMAZING parents, and they said that they would donate a certain amount, if I would contribute the last small part of the money needed. So I am happy to say, that soon Reagan and his family will have a new house, kitchen, and latrine also!! I'm so excited for them!!