....Oh dear
.........Oh dang..
I know it won't be that bad. Its not even school that I'm dreading (although I can't say I like homework.. and Grade 11, I'm sure, is full of it!).. its more the fact that I am no longer free to have fun and do whatever I want.
But, actually, I'm kind of looking forward to parts of it. For one thing, I applied to go on a missions trip this year. Every year my school takes out 10-12 teams of students to countries all around the world, where they do manual labour, community outreach, and help out in orphanages and schools. Its only open to grades 11 and 12, so after years of watching the teams come and go, I'm finally going to be part of it too!! I am so excited, but quite nervous too. We don't find out what team we're on until next week, at the start of school, so that's one incentive to go! I'll let everybody know, the minute I find out where I'm going to be going.
Another exciting thing coming up is our school musical. Every year (except for this last year) our school puts on a musical. They're usually really good, and in fact get even better every year. This year they announced that its going to be Les Mis, so that should be really good. I'm going to try out, and I'm REALLY nervous!! I'm totally not the kind of person who is comfortable singing in front of other people, but I really want to be part of this. So, I'm going to step out of my comfort zone and audition. I'm singing "Castle on a Cloud", which is quite easy to sing, as all the notes are exactly in my range. But, I'm still really scared. My sister takes singing lessons, so before the audition (maybe tomorrow), I'm going to go and see her voice teacher, and get her to give me a couple last minute tips, so that should be really helpful! But still, its a scary thought! I'd really, really like to get a part, so I'm going to try my hardest, and work really hard these last couple of days, to touch it up, and make it absolutely perfect! (I hope! :S)
My school schedule is a little crazy, but shouldn't be too bad. I'm taking Math 12 in second semester, in order to have NO math at all in grade 12, which will be SOOOO nice!! (I hate, abide, and detest that horrible subject!! I'm not terrible at it, I just don't like it. What sucks was that one of my favourite teachers ever is a math teacher.. why couldn't she teach English, or Drama??) But apart from that, its not bad. I really want to find out who my teachers are. We get our schedules at the end of June, so if we want to, we can go around, and figure out which classroom is which teacher's and everything, but I usually never bother, and just get there, and find out when I walk in! Unfortunately, there's the possibility of getting my worst teacher ever (Miss M). She used to teach grade 8 (our school is K-12), so when I moved out of the Middle School, I thought I would be done with her forever! But then, she decided that she wanted to teach High School, so she asked and since she's been teaching for a long time.... they kicked out my favourite teacher (yup, the math one- Mrs. P), who was SOOO AWESOME, and brought Miss M up to High School in her place!! Everyone is so mad and upset, so maybe they'll eventually bring back Mrs. P... I'm crossing my fingers!!!
Anyway, I really should go now, and unload the dishwasher (my dad's been telling me to do it for a while! :S). I'm really trying to make the most out of these last few days, so I think I'll go to bed, and.. I dunno... read for hours or something! :P I can't sleep in, because I have to babysit, but I'll sleep in all I can on the weekend... my last chance ever!! Well, until next weekend.